Saturday, September 1, 2007


I was born with a defect. When Moma heard ma cry, little did she know i was far, far, far and even farther, from her hopes. She wished for a normal child. A baby that would fill the void, make every little thing right. But unfortunately, i was missing a part. I was incomplete. Her baby was born, handicapped.
But she loved me anyway, she never did give me the idea that i was incapable, different, abnormal.
But i see it in their eyes when i wake. I smell it in their stench when we love, i sense it in their tones when they speak. Lowered expectations i didnt have to hop to reach, Gawking eyes that sized my eligibility, Little subtle faith they had in my worth... none. It all reminded consistent like cock crow at the break'a fresh dawn...
yes, i am handicapped.

When Moma asked the inevitable question: "what is it?"
She heard the clumsy nurse reply: "its a girl."
Poor nurse it must have been real hard... having to announce the sad news.
Iwas born, missing a penis and a few balls.
but please, dont crusify me. I should be collecting some sort of government financial disbaility subsidy. But this disability lacks that luxury. I was born into the wrong gender. I was born a woman. I admit it, I'm missing a part. But i didnt choose! You arent any better, all you had was luck! I was chosen to be this mutant, and for that must i be punished?
Must you demand that i make your meals, that i make it right, and that i serve it too?
Must i breed your kids, help make money and love you too?
Wait a minute, lets visit this topic for a minute... Mister man, must i WANT kids? Is the essence of my life, the true reason why i breathe, the purpose of my being, to make another version of me, so that someday, "she" too, my mutant child, can slave off for yet another version of you???
And say i couldn't cook, and i was barren, then what does that make me? huh!??? A total waste of space, a food consuming engine, some sort of dispensable trash?
God, if i should ever be re-born
hope never again to be this.
And if i should ever breed,
Hope to never hear it....


Ms. Catwalq said...

I don't agree... but in anycase, genius post.

Standing Truth Betold said...

Catwalq, i dont agree neither, which is why i felt the need to write about it.But in any case, thanks

Anonymous said...

well written it a real experience or fiction?it has a sad but brave tone to it!

Standing Truth Betold said...

i assumed most females from similar background/culture as mine would have experienced this by my age (mid twenties). I have had lots of experiences where i've felt like i had to defend my rights to people- men and women alike. There must be more to my life than the abilities of my ovaries and my culinary skills. I doubt God made me for that. I think theres much more to my life.

AMAZONIA said...

i love the way you wrote.. it.. soul..

Mak said...

um-- marry me then, I couldn't be that heartless to treat you in such inhuman ways. Jk

But I still do not think you or any other female are defective. If anything, I think you ladies are the reason the sun still shines, the way it does.

Yes, you are definately another species, but so are males. Although humans are known to fear anything they do not understand-- imagine if men were the dominant humans. But nothing in our gene spells us out as 'better'. However, the mind rules-- always will, hence culture and ignorance suffice.

And oh, you're species are twice smarter than males, on the average, or supposedly. The simple scientific/logical reason for this is, men have egos (women do, but men actually DO). Now, when the ego kicks in, the brain secrets a certain neuro-transmitter (forgotten which exactly) that lowers the iq temporarily as a side effect. So you see, if only ladies knew, the world would be theirs....For now it still belongs to the retards.

Nice post

Standing Truth Betold said...

@Cest Moi: thanks
@Mack: I was going to say- this is my first e-proposal ever. until i got to the part that said you were jk. :( too bad
I know men and women are different and if i could do it all over again, i wouldnt want to be anyother but a woman. Women have the perfect balance of Body,Mind and Soul. That to me, is worth much more than anything. But the purpose of this post wasnt to spark a debate about the better gender, no. Its to illuminate the skewed idiosyncratic notions of people- particularly african men; of what constitutes a woman. I hope never to God to be barren because i'd hate to think that nature condemned me to a certain lifestyle but quite frankly, I may never want kids! i may also never want to learn to cook so i'd like to know what that would make me. In the eyes of so many african men, i'm what is considered a "woe-man". may God help them and their ignorance.

Chika said...

You speak the truth;only in words too beautiful to be true.