Saturday, April 26, 2008

Your neighbour's laundry.

It was just meant to be a simple walk. I was to go over to my friend's house with Darque and we'd have a great time walking around the neighbourhood... whatever... the usual. This friend of mine had just graduated too so it was to be like a celebration walk sorta thing. I got Darque's waterbottle, her leash, and we headed out.

We stayed there a bit. Had dinner... that she bought since homegirl never cooks (yeah, she's white... however did you manage to know that?), and headed out. We hadnt even walked a block when we saw this dog that Darque used to know... along with her ownerwho also used to dogsit Darque.

And you thought you had issues "1":
This owner AKA soon-to-be-18-year-old girl, grew up with her mom and her mom's bf. Daddy wasnt in the picture (whats new? and no... he isnt black). Mr. BF used to molest her, rape her and among other things, make her do sexual stuff to her barbies... (wait, i think i got the story mixed up here... i dont know for sure if he used to be the one doing dirty things to her barbies or if he used to make her do them). Anyway, the cherry on the cake? She is delayed. Yeah,... she is urr, how do i say... umm... "behind"? Okay... she is almost 18, but she operates at about a 13 year old's level. Okay, hopefully you got the pic now.

This girl's life would make a ridiculous movie (for lack of a happy ending) but a greta book (also, for lack of a happy ending). She was sent to live with her aunt who has been caring for her since she was about 15. Trouble is, she does the craziest things. She lies like there is no tomorrow. You can both be staring at the sky in Abidjan the middle of november and she'd sell you snows. And you, you'd buy it not because you're blind or you cant tell that it never snows in Abidjan (at least, not yet but with the way the climate is changing so drasticlaly these days, any damn thing can happen!), but because this girl is that great a liar. Her lies and her mischievious ways has caused her to be kicked out of the house. Yes, her aunt kicked her out. And i know it sounds bad, but what are you going to do with a kid that runs away from home, never goes to school (the schools always calls home asking for her since she didnt show up for her classes but she denies it even after they call, claiming she was there while they were calling!), never cleans, ...
Anyway, so my friend (the one that just graduated) adopted her. That lasted a few months. My friend got sick of it because again, she'd lie up storms in the middle of the dryest desserts. It even started to affect our relationship a little too because when Darque would be over there (remember the girl used to dogsit for me and since she was living with my friend, she would dogsit over at my friend's place?), she wouldnt clean up after Darque and as much as my friend likes Darque, it wasnt fair to her especially since i used to pay miss thing for having her there! I stopped needing her services since is started leaving Darque at home by herself...anyway, now she got kicked our from my friend's house and she had to move back in with her aunt. Problem is, she has until she turns 18 to move out.

She'll be 18 in May :(
Her life is in God's hands.

And you thought you had issues "2":
As all five (Darque, the other dog, my friend, me, and the ex-dog sitter) of us were there, another really cute pure qhite dog came along with a female owner. We got to talking to this owner and you wouldnt believe it. Okay, let me tell you...

I've been told i'm crazy because: my dog has her own room, the wall color, the litter bin (yeah, shes litter trained... i'm too damn lazy to walk her half the time... okay maybe MOST of the time), her food and water bowl are thesame shade of pink, she's got a Fendi bed, about 5 sweaters, one jacket, the cutest toothbrush, cutest pair of shoes, SO MUCH toys,...
But apparently, i'm not half as crazy as this woman that had the white dog. The dog was beautiful, much older and very very well mannered. She would play with you if you play with her, she wouldnt just jump on you, she lays down and waits whenever her owner wasnt moving... (as opposed toDarque who barks at strangers UNLESS they pet her, jumps up to people's faces to kiss them, licks strangers ears, barks at random dogs and runs when they retaliate...). Anyway the woman andi got to talking and you wouldnt believe it!

SHE HAS A DOGGIE WALKER AND A CAR SEAT for her dog. And when you go in her place (yeah, she invited us over), the only pics on the walls are of her and her dog! She has no couch, no TV, just two (wooden) chairs and a big carpet for her dog, the foodbol and water bowl, a crate and... she is crazy! NOT ME! But i liked her lots. SHe was very generous. She gave Darque bows for her hair, sweaters and golf shirts, treats, a ball for toy...

Anyway, back to her personal story. Her parents divorced after a 5-yearmarriage because her daddy was too abusive. But the abuse didnt stop then. After he left, her mom became REALLY abusive.

How abusive, you ask?
To the point where whe'd drown her when she'd get angry,
Javex down her throat for crying...

When she was 17, she was pulled out of school...
When she was 18, her daddy got credit cards in her name, maxed them out, yet wouldnt pay for them...
At 20, she declared backrupcy.

She eventually moved out with the clothes on her back; her friends couldnt tak eit anymore, they helped her out. She got three jobs,and its been hard but shes been alive so i guess thats a great thing.
At 34, she's got her faith in God, her dog, some form of communication with her sister and a really dark history. its been over a decade, yet the trauma is clearly visible in her life.At 34, she's got her faith in God, her dog, some form of communication with her sister and a really dark history.

If i dont curb my anger, i will never have kids.
God please dont let me ever become such a monster.

I'll leave you with these words that a co-worker said to me earlier this month
"If you knew what your neighbour was going through, you would never want to swap your troubles "


Chari said...

wow...mayn...n I tot I had problems...hmnn mayn...I dont envy their lives at all...

Standing Truth Betold said...

same thing i thought. I thought I had troubles!!!