Thursday, April 3, 2008

Gold digger

I'm not trying to be a bitch though i'll admit,
sometimes it comes so naturally
But i just cant stand it when you ask so much of me
so soonn... like so now, so, rightaway
I am flattered that you want me
Though i know it isnt hard to be attractive once you've got a pussy,
still i understand that it is sometimes much more than that
so yes, i relish that. I enjoy that.
Believe me, i appreciate that.

But wait a minute... no, your hands...
hold on a second... dont touch me there

Because it isnt that i dont like it
It is that it is irritating
and somewhere inside, i am hoping you see there is much more to me
Than what God gave me to be thighs
and hips
and breasts
What i have done with me
This masterpiece of a being...
is a bit more

And i want to believe that you are one too
So i want to take my time with you
Find that being within
No, wait a minute
Do i have to kiss you right now?
Oh my friggin goodness!
Would you wait a goddamn second?!

You are frustrating me
And i know you've stopped now
But the moment i shut up, you resume your touching
sliping your hands right onto me.

And i want to do that too
I want to explore you
I want to find the one that you are
If only you'd just give me a minute

The one i was made to be, digs for gold.
To feel, i must search.
And i need time to find.
So i ask that you let me
Dig ma claws in your dirt
Seeking through the rough mess
Allow me with patience, please!
Let me search through your experiences
And the gold you've now become

Please give me time
So i can finally, love you.
And understand... you.
And make this love, with you.


flawsandall said...

i love this piece..sometimes dont we all just rush? dont they just all rush.. be easy babes, be ease guy..tread slowly..just this one time?

Kunta said...

Well spoken.
It's always best to take things nice and slow...afterall, we're heading the same way. Why rush things?
Keep things simple gurl and thanks for stopping by.

Yessie said...

well said

NikkiSab said...

I keep saying dere is more to a relationship dan getting down. Guys get into a trance wen de want to get d gold n loose all reason. Dere r a few good ones but i hope de can rub off on d many eager ones. How r u dear? Stop disappearing!!

Unknown said...

Nice piece. Not said often enough, in my opinion.