Monday, March 12, 2007

He called back

"I'm not happy with you, i'm really not. but I'd rather be unhappy with you, than be unhappy with someone else"

he called me a minute ago to tell me this.

i didnt recognize the number (because i had deleted his contacts from my phone yesterday) so i picked the phone up.. but then again, i probably would have answered the call anyway.
I picked up the phone, only for him to tell me in a few long sentences that he wants to be back with me, even though he isnt happy with me.


why would i want to be with someone i'm not happy with?
whats the point? i know if i'm not happy with him, my eyes will wander. i know i'll look for a new boufriend. i know i'll cheat (i've never really done this before anyway... well once, but not really). so why subject myself to that in the first place?

this is the least i've felt for him. i usually want him back. but now i dont. i dont want to be in that relationship where i would cheat on my boyfriend. Or maybe i should. maybe i need to do that; be with him, try other men at the side, and hopefully wnjoy life that way. i'm lost.
my phone got disconnected as we were talkin, so i'll cal him back.

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